The doors open at 8.40am at the start of the school day. If children arrive after 8.50am, they must be brought to the school office by their parents, who will need to sign them in using the electronic signing in system. Children receive a late mark (L code on school register) if they arrive late, up until 9.30am. Any child arriving after 9.30am will be marked on the register with a U code, this mark is recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Lateness is monitored by the school's Attendance Officer and if a child is persistently late, their parents may be called in to school for a meeting to sign a punctuality contract.
Parents - Please let the school know if you are having difficulty getting your child in to school and/or on time.
Pupil absence procedures:
If a child is going to be off school parents should either:
If a child is going to be absent due to having a medical appointment, a copy of the appointment letter must be given to the front office.
All messages received from parents are updated onto the electronic register by the school’s Attendance Officer. If there are any absent children for whom no messages have been received, a Truancy Call is sent to their parents. If a parent fails to respond to Truancy Call, an unauthorised absence is recorded on the register.
If a child is absent from school for 3 consecutive days, parents must provide medical evidence for the absence to be authorised.
Holidays/Leave of Absence in term time:
In line with our school attendance policy, any request for leave of absence must be submitted on the appropriate form, available from the school office prior to the commencement of absence. The Government's stance on taking children out of school during term time makes it clear to parents that they are expected to maintain their children in school throughout term time. We are therefore required NOT to authorise requests for holidays in term time.
Any period of leave taken without agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised unagreed holiday. A fine of £60 (per parent, per child) can be issued as a result of holiday leave taken in term time. If payment of the fine, to the local authority is not made within 21 days (of a penalty notice being issued) the penalty will rise to £120 (per parent, per child