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Rowley Hall Primary School

To nurture happy, healthy, confident learners who always aim high!

Parent Pay

Rowley Hall Primary is a cashless school and we use ParentPay for all school payments.


ParentPay is a more convenient way to pay for items such as dinner, trips, uniform, school bags etc


Making secure payments online using your credit or debit card


ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.


You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password; you will be prompted to change these, and to keep them safe and secure upon set up. If you have more than one child at our school or children at other ParentPay schools, ie St Michaels, you can create a single account login for all your children.


Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you’ve activated your account you can make online payments straight away by selecting the item you are paying for and transferring fees from your account balance.


Parents who need to continue making payments by cash may do so using the PayPoint network at local convenience stores. Our nearest stores are:


  • Nisa (Michaels Supermarket) on Hanover Road.
  • One Stop on Throne Road.


Using PayPoint


PayPoint payments are recorded by ParentPay and can be seen by logging into your ParentPay account and viewing your payment history online.


Please notify the Admin Office if you wish to use the PayPoint facility. We can issue a barcode letter in this circumstance although it is recommended that online accounts are activated and utilised for safer payment processes.


Please may I take this opportunity to remind you that we are unable to provide for children for whom we have not received payment i.e. school lunches, music lessons, etc. The convenience of ParentPay will allow parents /carers to pay at any time of day or night and so we expect that issues concerning non-payment will be prevented in this regard.


For further information on ParentPay please visit
